Terms and Conditions:
2. Payment of fees for online registration is not a guarantee for the event to be staged as planned. Should the event be cancelled for any reason, a full refund will be made to all registered participants and no other claims are allowed. Magic Beans disclaims responsibility should any changes in the event occur for any reason.
3. Once registered online, participants should follow up with payment immediately to secure a place.
4. Any additional fees incurred during payment e.g. bank transfer fees will be borne by the participant or their respective organisation.
5. Each participant is expected to attend all days of the workshop. Participants are not allowed to share one registration, where different people attend on different days under one registration.
6. Online registration will be taken as secured, only upon receipt of payment. Substitutions are allowed with written request to Magic Beans at least two working days before the course commences.
8. Magic Beans has the right to not honour any requests if it is not made within the stipulated time period as mentioned above.
9. The workshop will run only when the minimum number of attendees is met. We will notify all attendees on by 1st April 2023. In the event that the workshop is postponed or cancelled, a full refund will be issued.
Cancellation/Refund policy:
1. All cancellations, refund or substitutions must be given in writing to info@magicbeans.sg
3. 50% refund will be granted for confirmed places if the organiser is informed from the period of the 1st September 2023 to 1st October 2023 (dates inclusive).
4. Fees are non-refundable for any cancellations for confirmed places from 2nd October 2023 onwards (dates inclusive).
6. Any additional fees incurred during payment or refunds e.g. bank transfer fees will be borne solely by the participant or their respective organisation.