Difficulties sucking from bottle

Feeding & Swallowing Assessment

Premature infants and infants with medical conditions or syndromes have higher risk of difficulties sucking from the bottle. Their ability to coordinate their sucking, swallowing and breathing (also known as suck, swallow breathe coordination or synchrony) may still be developing, and thus may require some support to achieve optimal feeding. Normal infants may occasionally encounter similar difficulties as well, especially if there was birth trauma.

During the session, the speech therapist will do a physical examination of your child’s oral structures and sucking skills. The speech therapist will also observe your child feeding from the bottle or breast.

She will then provide suggestion to optimise the feeding, such as:

We will also work closely with your paediatrician or gastroenterologist, to ensure that your baby’s hydration and nutritional needs are met.

We may recommend further evaluation of your swallowing difficulties using more objective measures, such as a Videofluroscopy Swallow Study (VFSS) should we suspect that there are signs of aspiration despite all interventions and if there is a history of lung infection.